Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book
Actually, I have a million favorite books that I'll read over and over again...but right now, this is my "re-read" so I can freshen up when the Harry Potter movie actually comes out this summer! :)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sing a dream for me
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at
I wish I was a good singer! LOL...I love singing in the shower and alone in my car...but oh what I'd do if I had a Whitney Houston voice!! :)
I wish I was a good singer! LOL...I love singing in the shower and alone in my car...but oh what I'd do if I had a Whitney Houston voice!! :)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A mournful rustling in the dark.
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
I wish I could forget the summer of 2008. I faked a smile, I put on a show, I wasn't myself. Now, I promised myself I would never ever let anyone compromise who I am, what I think of myself. I took this photo when I had all my "friends" and "love" and we played a game of football at our home. Every time I look I this photo, I cringe...Everyone is so happy, little did they know, the pain I was going through and the hurt I had endured. I wish I could forget all the sad times, and the happy times...the "happy" times weren't worth it.
I wish I could forget the summer of 2008. I faked a smile, I put on a show, I wasn't myself. Now, I promised myself I would never ever let anyone compromise who I am, what I think of myself. I took this photo when I had all my "friends" and "love" and we played a game of football at our home. Every time I look I this photo, I cringe...Everyone is so happy, little did they know, the pain I was going through and the hurt I had endured. I wish I could forget all the sad times, and the happy times...the "happy" times weren't worth it.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Photo Catch-up
I failed...I was doing so well!! Haha, missed 2 days of my Photo Challenge! Making it up now!!
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Day 19 - A picture of someone you see yourself with/marrying in the future
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
My biggest flabby arms...ewww this angle is all wrong...just...yuck! haha
I actually don't believe in marriage. That doesn't mean I don't believe in love or commitment. I just feel like in today's society, it institute of marriage is no longer sacred, so why bother. I could be the Oprah to your Stedman, the Angelina to your Brad :) haha
Duh...who wouldn't want to see the pyramids?!?
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Day 19 - A picture of someone you see yourself with/marrying in the future
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
My biggest flabby arms...ewww this angle is all wrong...just...yuck! haha
I actually don't believe in marriage. That doesn't mean I don't believe in love or commitment. I just feel like in today's society, it institute of marriage is no longer sacred, so why bother. I could be the Oprah to your Stedman, the Angelina to your Brad :) haha
Duh...who wouldn't want to see the pyramids?!?
Friday, March 25, 2011
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Losing my Monty...was the biggest heartbreak I've had to endure in a very, very long time. Monty came to me in 2003, at the worst time. I wasn't ready to take care of a dog, I didn't have time to spend with this pitbull with issues...or so I thought. He changed my life. I never even saw pitbulls until he showed me what his world was like.
This dog saved my life literally and figuratively and more than one occasion. He was my rock. Losing him, so suddenly, so horribly. Still brings me to tears just thinking of it. Monty leaving me gave me an opportunity to save another animal. But honestly, it's not the same. I miss him so much it hurts. I think of him every day. Every morning I wake up and tell him good morning, every night a say a prayer for him. I hope one day (not anytime soon) I'll be able to see him again. Crazy wagging tail and sloppy lips and that smile.
Losing my Monty...was the biggest heartbreak I've had to endure in a very, very long time. Monty came to me in 2003, at the worst time. I wasn't ready to take care of a dog, I didn't have time to spend with this pitbull with issues...or so I thought. He changed my life. I never even saw pitbulls until he showed me what his world was like.
This dog saved my life literally and figuratively and more than one occasion. He was my rock. Losing him, so suddenly, so horribly. Still brings me to tears just thinking of it. Monty leaving me gave me an opportunity to save another animal. But honestly, it's not the same. I miss him so much it hurts. I think of him every day. Every morning I wake up and tell him good morning, every night a say a prayer for him. I hope one day (not anytime soon) I'll be able to see him again. Crazy wagging tail and sloppy lips and that smile.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Inspiration and genius--one and the same.
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
1900 –1944
1900 –1944
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's Le Petit Prince was one of the first books I ever loved. My mom gave me this book when I was 5 to help me learn French. Since then, I've been fascinated with Saint-Exupéry and his life. His adventures and books inspired me to apply for the Air Force Academy, I remember always wanting to be a pilot...though that's not where my life path took me, the dreams are still there.
Le Petit Prince is one of the reasons I see life the way I do. I remember being a young girl, torn by my parents' divorce, wondering why my sisters kept fighting, why were my friends being mean... I would read the words Saint-Exupéry wrote : "Ce qui embellit le désert," dit le petit prince, "c'est qu'il cache un puits quelque part." = What makes the desert beautiful," says the little prince, "is that somewhere it hides a well.
Just keep going. Fly. Explore. Love. Fear nothing, and keep following the horizon.
Aimer, ce n'est pas se regarder l'un l'autre, c'est regarder ensemble dans la même direction.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
I would LOVE more than anything, experience the Seven Natural Wonders of the World (along with the un-natural wonders haha)
Can you imagine? On a sled pulled by a team of 14 dogs, and the aurora borealis aka The Northern Lights are painting the sky...damn. Or watch Paricutin in Michoacán just erupt in flame and fire.
These are my number one things I want to do before I die. I would love to save enough money to take a year off and travel around the world at a leisurely pace.
I would LOVE more than anything, experience the Seven Natural Wonders of the World (along with the un-natural wonders haha)
Can you imagine? On a sled pulled by a team of 14 dogs, and the aurora borealis aka The Northern Lights are painting the sky...damn. Or watch Paricutin in Michoacán just erupt in flame and fire.
These are my number one things I want to do before I die. I would love to save enough money to take a year off and travel around the world at a leisurely pace.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Daddy's Little Girl
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
My Dad... Obviously I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him. But aside from his biological contribution to my existence, he has always been there for me. It's easy to make a baby, it takes a very special person to be a good parent. So amazing where your child is sure beyond a doubt that you love her.
My parents divorced when I was 11-ish. Damn, was that an ugly mess. When my dad started dating again, I was furious and threw a huge poor father, put aside his happiness for me. Never again did I see him with another woman until I was mature enough.
When my mom would disappear for days, weekends at a time, I would cry myself to sleep...I'd wonder why she would leave my little sister and me to fend for ourselves. Get ourselves ready for school, make our lunches, if we were out of money or food...well you're just shit out of luck aren't ya? Even though Dad was 2 states and 1,200 miles away...a phone call would always make things alright. He would fly us over just for the weekend. He never missed a viola recital, swim competition, father-daughter sock-hop or choir concert...well if work permitted.
He gave me my love of cars, taking things apart and putting them back together. "I can fix anything" was his motto. That goes for broken toys, cars, and even...yes, broken hearts.
As I got older, he let me stay with him whenever I was going through a hard break-up or too drunk to drive home. Though I wont divulge in details, he's gotten me out of some serious the cost of hour-long lectures and scoldings. Anytime I've ever been in real trouble, my dad has been there to save me.
Now, we have lunch at least once a week. He doesn't always agree with what I do with my time or approve of who I do it with...but one thing I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt...he will always be in my corner.
This man has shaped me to who I am in every way possible. If I ever found myself in some crazy parallel universe...I never want to meet myself as the girl without her father. He's taught me everything. He is my everything. The next man that comes into my life has some serious bars to live up to.
Dad in Thailand 1980
My Dad... Obviously I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him. But aside from his biological contribution to my existence, he has always been there for me. It's easy to make a baby, it takes a very special person to be a good parent. So amazing where your child is sure beyond a doubt that you love her.
My parents divorced when I was 11-ish. Damn, was that an ugly mess. When my dad started dating again, I was furious and threw a huge poor father, put aside his happiness for me. Never again did I see him with another woman until I was mature enough.
When my mom would disappear for days, weekends at a time, I would cry myself to sleep...I'd wonder why she would leave my little sister and me to fend for ourselves. Get ourselves ready for school, make our lunches, if we were out of money or food...well you're just shit out of luck aren't ya? Even though Dad was 2 states and 1,200 miles away...a phone call would always make things alright. He would fly us over just for the weekend. He never missed a viola recital, swim competition, father-daughter sock-hop or choir concert...well if work permitted.
He gave me my love of cars, taking things apart and putting them back together. "I can fix anything" was his motto. That goes for broken toys, cars, and even...yes, broken hearts.
As I got older, he let me stay with him whenever I was going through a hard break-up or too drunk to drive home. Though I wont divulge in details, he's gotten me out of some serious the cost of hour-long lectures and scoldings. Anytime I've ever been in real trouble, my dad has been there to save me.
Now, we have lunch at least once a week. He doesn't always agree with what I do with my time or approve of who I do it with...but one thing I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt...he will always be in my corner.
This man has shaped me to who I am in every way possible. If I ever found myself in some crazy parallel universe...I never want to meet myself as the girl without her father. He's taught me everything. He is my everything. The next man that comes into my life has some serious bars to live up to.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Put it in a love song
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Wow...there are sooooo many artists, groups, bands, orchestras that I love and follow...But for the sake of pop culture and trendy-ness.... Is it cheating that I put two artists in one photo?? I *heart* Alicia Keys and Beyonce... Love their music, style...these two diva's got swag.
Wow...there are sooooo many artists, groups, bands, orchestras that I love and follow...But for the sake of pop culture and trendy-ness.... Is it cheating that I put two artists in one photo?? I *heart* Alicia Keys and Beyonce... Love their music, style...these two diva's got swag.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Sushi is the key to my heart
Day 12 - A picture of something you love
I could eat my body weight in sushi. Most likely, I'll die by mercury poisoning... I'm talking real sushi. No rolls... I mean...sashimi. Salmon, toro, sweet shrimp...I'm drooling just thinking about it!
I could eat my body weight in sushi. Most likely, I'll die by mercury poisoning... I'm talking real sushi. No rolls... I mean...sashimi. Salmon, toro, sweet shrimp...I'm drooling just thinking about it!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
That's right, I hate bananas. I find everything about them offensive. The color, shape, smell, texture...ewwwwwwwwww!!!
That's right, I hate bananas. I find everything about them offensive. The color, shape, smell, texture...ewwwwwwwwww!!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
It's only a crime if you get caught
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with
You know what they say "a friend will bail you out of jail, a best friend will be sitting next to you sayin 'we f*cked up, but that was awesome'" Yea...this guy, my cousin, Hai. We've gone through the ringer together... When we were young and adventurous, it was drunken nights, waking up with cuts and bruises..."what the hell happened last night" and then there's the all too dangerous, wandering around different countries, hoping we find our hotel. Now, we're older, we don't get in that much trouble...probably because we don't get caught anymore :)
You know what they say "a friend will bail you out of jail, a best friend will be sitting next to you sayin 'we f*cked up, but that was awesome'" Yea...this guy, my cousin, Hai. We've gone through the ringer together... When we were young and adventurous, it was drunken nights, waking up with cuts and bruises..."what the hell happened last night" and then there's the all too dangerous, wandering around different countries, hoping we find our hotel. Now, we're older, we don't get in that much trouble...probably because we don't get caught anymore :)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
Amanda is my cousin, and my best friend. We've known each other all of our lives, and we've been through it all. There were periods of time when we didn't speak for months, but when the phone rang, we would pick up exactly where we left off. Even though we don't always agree, she always listened to me, and supported me in every way. Her mother is sick, and now it's my turn to help her and our family.
Amanda is my cousin, and my best friend. We've known each other all of our lives, and we've been through it all. There were periods of time when we didn't speak for months, but when the phone rang, we would pick up exactly where we left off. Even though we don't always agree, she always listened to me, and supported me in every way. Her mother is sick, and now it's my turn to help her and our family.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Ninja, Ninja, Ninja!
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh
There is no explanations for these photos...they just crack me up. I <3 Ninjas!!
There is no explanations for these photos...they just crack me up. I <3 Ninjas!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
How old are you?
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item
This photo of my grandmother is one of the most treasured things I own. She was the matriarch of our family, and my world was never so rocked as when we lost her. Grandma was always a fighter, and quite the story teller. To be honest, no one knows how old she really was... (she had 3 96th birthdays, 2 years apart) each year was either her 96th or her 100th birthday celebration :) She was the fiercest woman I've ever had the privilege to know.
This photo of my grandmother is one of the most treasured things I own. She was the matriarch of our family, and my world was never so rocked as when we lost her. Grandma was always a fighter, and quite the story teller. To be honest, no one knows how old she really was... (she had 3 96th birthdays, 2 years apart) each year was either her 96th or her 100th birthday celebration :) She was the fiercest woman I've ever had the privilege to know.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Just this moment for Life
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
Nicki Minaj...just out of pure curiosity what it would be like to live with multiple alter-egos and such a fierce passion for mischief.
Nicki Minaj...just out of pure curiosity what it would be like to live with multiple alter-egos and such a fierce passion for mischief.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Memory itself is an internal rumour
Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory
There are so many memories I have, this is one of my most recent favorites. This photo was taken at Hong Kong airport Sept 2008. I had been traveling over 24 hours, from LAX to Tokyo to Hong Kong. My Dad, Cousin Hai, Brother Tu & Sis-in-law Janice had all come to meet me at the airport. I flew in around 10pm at night, my family all came in one taxi, spread out and looked for me. That night, even though I was extremely fatigued and jet-lagged, we still went out and painted the town red. This trip was my first trip with my dad & brother as an "adult", what made it more special was because it was for my brother's wedding. One day later, my brother & Janice had their wedding reception for Janice's family in HKG.
There are so many memories I have, this is one of my most recent favorites. This photo was taken at Hong Kong airport Sept 2008. I had been traveling over 24 hours, from LAX to Tokyo to Hong Kong. My Dad, Cousin Hai, Brother Tu & Sis-in-law Janice had all come to meet me at the airport. I flew in around 10pm at night, my family all came in one taxi, spread out and looked for me. That night, even though I was extremely fatigued and jet-lagged, we still went out and painted the town red. This trip was my first trip with my dad & brother as an "adult", what made it more special was because it was for my brother's wedding. One day later, my brother & Janice had their wedding reception for Janice's family in HKG.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Music of the Night
-Day 04 - A picture of your night
Lupe Fiasco - Steppin' Lasers tour at the House of Blues-Sunset last year. My favorite night-time hobby, going to amazing shows. Every time I see Lupe, my mind is blown.
Lupe Fiasco - Steppin' Lasers tour at the House of Blues-Sunset last year. My favorite night-time hobby, going to amazing shows. Every time I see Lupe, my mind is blown.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes
((Now Playing - Lupe Fiasco the entire Lasers album))
Yesterday I received my packet with instructions for my upcoming appointment for my donor workup schedule. This 20-page packet prefaces with a generic letter with your basic info and contacts.
So my schedule looks like this:
Day 1 @ home - 8am: Start 24hr urine collection. (Instructions must be followed to a T otherwise, if the testing is inaccurate, we're in trouble.)
Day 2 - 10am: Lab + EKG, Chest X-ray & Blood Pressure screen. (No food/drink from midnight the day before...sad face)
1pm: Transplant psychiatrist (To make sure I'm mentally competent to make this decision, and to make sure I'm just not a crazy person in general....may as well turn myself in now, save the time haha)
Day 3 - 10am: Transplant nephrology. (Kidney doctor checks me over and we go through the if Google hasn't educated me enough to where I could probably do it myself...just kidding, relax)
12:30pm: CTU (CAT Scan) (They're going to put dye into my blood and take pictures inside to see how healthy my kidneys are, and pick which one they're going to operate on)
Hopefully all the tests and consultations come back normal, and hopefully I won't have to repeat any of said tests or consultations. It would probably take a few weeks/months before they set a surgery date.
Surgery is called laparoscopic nephrectomy (the surgical removal of part of the kidney). Risks are the same as any other surgery, and I'm very aware of what can happen. Statistically speaking, I think I have better than "pretty good" chances of living through long as I stay away from USC :-P
Of course, there's a quiet jingle of emotions right now, but I still feel calm and collected. I have a few weeks to mentally prepare myself for all the testing, poking and prodding. I'm confident that I've taken care of myself and there's nothing wrong with me. So for now, I will continue to watch what I eat/drink and walk around the park every day...wish me luck!!
Yesterday I received my packet with instructions for my upcoming appointment for my donor workup schedule. This 20-page packet prefaces with a generic letter with your basic info and contacts.
So my schedule looks like this:
Day 1 @ home - 8am: Start 24hr urine collection. (Instructions must be followed to a T otherwise, if the testing is inaccurate, we're in trouble.)
Day 2 - 10am: Lab + EKG, Chest X-ray & Blood Pressure screen. (No food/drink from midnight the day before...sad face)
1pm: Transplant psychiatrist (To make sure I'm mentally competent to make this decision, and to make sure I'm just not a crazy person in general....may as well turn myself in now, save the time haha)
Day 3 - 10am: Transplant nephrology. (Kidney doctor checks me over and we go through the if Google hasn't educated me enough to where I could probably do it myself...just kidding, relax)
12:30pm: CTU (CAT Scan) (They're going to put dye into my blood and take pictures inside to see how healthy my kidneys are, and pick which one they're going to operate on)
Hopefully all the tests and consultations come back normal, and hopefully I won't have to repeat any of said tests or consultations. It would probably take a few weeks/months before they set a surgery date.
Surgery is called laparoscopic nephrectomy (the surgical removal of part of the kidney). Risks are the same as any other surgery, and I'm very aware of what can happen. Statistically speaking, I think I have better than "pretty good" chances of living through long as I stay away from USC :-P
Of course, there's a quiet jingle of emotions right now, but I still feel calm and collected. I have a few weeks to mentally prepare myself for all the testing, poking and prodding. I'm confident that I've taken care of myself and there's nothing wrong with me. So for now, I will continue to watch what I eat/drink and walk around the park every day...wish me luck!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Day 2 - A picture of you and a friend u have known the longest
Nghia & I have known each other for...about 16 years? Since the day he came to America from Vietnam :) I introduce him as my cousin. This photo was taken December 2010, on our way home from Hawaii...cousin's trip with Nghia, Amanda (cousin), and Frances my sister. Best time at the kids' table ever!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
30-day photo challenge
I saw a few people on FB doing this challenge for no reason other than to share photos (which I love to do) I hop! You post one photo for each day that correlates with the topic/action/etc. Should be fun.
Facts about me:
1. I love pitbulls, most dogs in general, but pitties are my favorite.
2. I'm a libra, born in the year of the Tiger.
3. Recently pescatarian (non-meat eater except seafood)
4. I'm in love with love and romance, even though my smarter sides often works against it.
5. Glee, Vampire Diaries, Being Human and Cupcake Wars are my current favorite shows.
6. Charlie Sheen could be my hero. (Can't hate the guy for being proud to be crazy)
7. Sushi is the key to my love love.
8. I'm blessed to be close to my family and my friends are like family.
9. I have a wild imagination and vivid fantasies...take that how you will.
10. My shoe size is 7.
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts
Facts about me:
1. I love pitbulls, most dogs in general, but pitties are my favorite.
2. I'm a libra, born in the year of the Tiger.
3. Recently pescatarian (non-meat eater except seafood)
4. I'm in love with love and romance, even though my smarter sides often works against it.
5. Glee, Vampire Diaries, Being Human and Cupcake Wars are my current favorite shows.
6. Charlie Sheen could be my hero. (Can't hate the guy for being proud to be crazy)
7. Sushi is the key to my love love.
8. I'm blessed to be close to my family and my friends are like family.
9. I have a wild imagination and vivid fantasies...take that how you will.
10. My shoe size is 7.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
International Women's Day
Is it a little irritating that International Women's Day falls on FAT Tuesday? Yes. Some kind of sick joke by the powers that be :-P
But joking aside...this is a special day to remember the women around the world. I feel so fortunate I'm able to give life to a woman I love dearly. Today, I'm thinking of the women in other parts of the globe that don't have the resources I do here. They are oppressed, slaves, second class citizens, some are just considered trash. Some don't have the ability to "change their stars" like we do here, and we take it for granted.
My sister is a mother of two, and a daughter, she's the eldest of four girls. She makes everything seem so effortless. Like rain she's a natural element that can move mountains, soft and caring, giving life. How lucky am I to know her and to have her as a role model.
I signed a petition today to help stop South Africa's "Corrective Rape". Men are raping lesbians to "cure" them of their sexuality. I'm just appalled, and I wish there was more I could do. If there was a way, I would. I encourage everyone to just sign...there are women losing their lives because of their's just not right.
Some songs I'm listening to in honor of today -
But joking aside...this is a special day to remember the women around the world. I feel so fortunate I'm able to give life to a woman I love dearly. Today, I'm thinking of the women in other parts of the globe that don't have the resources I do here. They are oppressed, slaves, second class citizens, some are just considered trash. Some don't have the ability to "change their stars" like we do here, and we take it for granted.
My sister is a mother of two, and a daughter, she's the eldest of four girls. She makes everything seem so effortless. Like rain she's a natural element that can move mountains, soft and caring, giving life. How lucky am I to know her and to have her as a role model.
I signed a petition today to help stop South Africa's "Corrective Rape". Men are raping lesbians to "cure" them of their sexuality. I'm just appalled, and I wish there was more I could do. If there was a way, I would. I encourage everyone to just sign...there are women losing their lives because of their's just not right.
Some songs I'm listening to in honor of today -
John Mayer - Daughters
Jamie Foxx - Heaven
Tupac - Dear Mama
Spice Girls - Mama
Monday, March 7, 2011
3 weeks to clean up!
So I've scheduled my 3-day @ UCLA. March 30th you'll find me at home peeing in a jug for 24 hours :-/ Then the next two days will be intense testing. Hopefully if everything is done properly the first go-round, I could be scheduled for surgery in June/July!!
Now, I have to make sure my body is cleaned out of any toxins, get my exercise up and diet on! I have three weeks to get healthier so the tests look better! I'm going to do everything I can to do this right. I'm so anxious to get a surgery date in the books already!
No fear has set in...yet. But I'm sure it will come.
Now, I have to make sure my body is cleaned out of any toxins, get my exercise up and diet on! I have three weeks to get healthier so the tests look better! I'm going to do everything I can to do this right. I'm so anxious to get a surgery date in the books already!
No fear has set in...yet. But I'm sure it will come.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Some things are just meant to be...
Short back-story:
My favorite aunt, has kidney failure and has been on dialysis for about 3 years now. Her sisters have tested to donate her a kidney, but 2/3 were not a good match, and the 3rd one backed out 2 months before scheduled surgery.
Since she was diagnosed, I've harbored thoughts of donating, but she kept having donors so I didn't think she needed me. Finally, after this last aunt was completely devastated. My family on my dad's side are devout Catholics...and when I heard she was losing her faith in God, I was stunned, and I knew I had to do something.
I went in for the blood test 2 weeks ago and just got the results yesterday!!! I'm a 5 out of 6 antigen match...which was better than all her sisters and her daughter! We have the same blood type, and the cross-match showed that her blood did not reject my own. The transplant coordinator actually said "wow"

I am so elated...beyond words. My aunt is one of the most beautiful, strong and supportive women I've ever known. Her daughter and I are 9 months apart, we're like cousin is my best friend. I have never felt so right about anything in my life. When I heard how hurt, and down she was I knew exactly what needed to be done. Deep down, I knew I was going to be a near perfect match, and I knew it was going to be me. Not only is this the right thing, this is the good thing to do. My aunt and my cousin are deeper than family to me. steps...I have to go through another 3 days of testing.
Day 1: 24 hour home urine collection
ewww... and if I don't do exactly 24 hours, they'll KNOW, and I'll have to do it all over again

Day 2: More blood tests, EKG, cat-scan and chest x-ray
Day 3: Consultation w/the nephrologist (kidney doctor/surgeon), a psycho-social evaluation and support structure evaluation.
After all these tests, hopefully without repeats, I meet with the surgeon and we pick which kidney and set a date. This whole process can take up to 6 months, I'm hoping I do everything right the first time and I won't have to do anything twice (esp the urine collection).
I've spoken with my parents, sisters, cousins, friends and co-workers...everyone is so supportive. The more I talk about it, the more I feel comfortable with my decision and I know I'm doing the good thing.
My favorite aunt, has kidney failure and has been on dialysis for about 3 years now. Her sisters have tested to donate her a kidney, but 2/3 were not a good match, and the 3rd one backed out 2 months before scheduled surgery.
I went in for the blood test 2 weeks ago and just got the results yesterday!!! I'm a 5 out of 6 antigen match...which was better than all her sisters and her daughter! We have the same blood type, and the cross-match showed that her blood did not reject my own. The transplant coordinator actually said "wow"
I am so elated...beyond words. My aunt is one of the most beautiful, strong and supportive women I've ever known. Her daughter and I are 9 months apart, we're like cousin is my best friend. I have never felt so right about anything in my life. When I heard how hurt, and down she was I knew exactly what needed to be done. Deep down, I knew I was going to be a near perfect match, and I knew it was going to be me. Not only is this the right thing, this is the good thing to do. My aunt and my cousin are deeper than family to me. steps...I have to go through another 3 days of testing.
Day 1: 24 hour home urine collection
Day 2: More blood tests, EKG, cat-scan and chest x-ray
Day 3: Consultation w/the nephrologist (kidney doctor/surgeon), a psycho-social evaluation and support structure evaluation.
After all these tests, hopefully without repeats, I meet with the surgeon and we pick which kidney and set a date. This whole process can take up to 6 months, I'm hoping I do everything right the first time and I won't have to do anything twice (esp the urine collection).
I've spoken with my parents, sisters, cousins, friends and co-workers...everyone is so supportive. The more I talk about it, the more I feel comfortable with my decision and I know I'm doing the good thing.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Born a dog. Died a gentleman
I haven't posted in a month, mostly because I had to recover from a most devastating event. My boy Monty passed away, after 7 years together, he decided it was his time.
Monty came to me 7 years ago, about 3-4 years old already. He was a stray that I took home and he instantly won me over. Every decision I've ever made since then, I made with his benefit in mind. I would never say that he was my child, no... He was my companion, more than that, he was my champion. Anyone close to me has heard my "pitbulls are the only dog that will die for you out of pure love" speech. And everyone who knows me has heard me say "Monty has been the only constant being in my life for the past 7 years."
My heart breaks all over again as I remember his last couple weeks. He was ailing, had a surgery and many different medications. In the end, his medications were too much for him to take. But even when he was at his weakest, his tail wagged until the last 5 mins of his life.
I will always remember our time together...
Monty came to me 7 years ago, about 3-4 years old already. He was a stray that I took home and he instantly won me over. Every decision I've ever made since then, I made with his benefit in mind. I would never say that he was my child, no... He was my companion, more than that, he was my champion. Anyone close to me has heard my "pitbulls are the only dog that will die for you out of pure love" speech. And everyone who knows me has heard me say "Monty has been the only constant being in my life for the past 7 years."
My heart breaks all over again as I remember his last couple weeks. He was ailing, had a surgery and many different medications. In the end, his medications were too much for him to take. But even when he was at his weakest, his tail wagged until the last 5 mins of his life.
I will always remember our time together...
Monty and Kaiser in 2008. Kaiser passed away w/Parvo 9 months after this was taken.
Monty was famous for his mouth...that smile <3
He always let me get in his face with a camera.
Our favorite place was the beach.
Sleep tight Monty. I will miss you forever, you're my heart.
born ????
loved 2004-2011
born ????
loved 2004-2011
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