Tuesday, March 20, 2012

“Being in love, I find myself smiling for no reason at all...”

As I was putting my books away, I realized that I could recall some really amazing quotes from my favorite stories and authors...Even got caught up reading a few pages from each...I thought this would be a great place to collect all of my favorites from the shelves :)

Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.”
“Woman work a great many miracles.”
“I wish I had no heart, it aches so…”

My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult
“You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not.”
“He insisted that stars were people so well loved, they were traced in constellations, to live forever”

The Lovely Bones, Lucky, The Almost Moon - Alice Sebold
“I live in a world where two truths coexist: where both hell and hope lie in the palm of my hand”
“Who would have thought something that happened that long ago could have such power?”
“Our only kiss was like an accident- a beautiful gasoline rainbow.”
“How to Commit the Perfect Murder" was an old game in heaven. I always chose the icicle: the weapon melts away.”
“Loss could be used as a measure of beauty in a woman.”
“Your first kiss is destiny knocking.”
“There was one thing my murderer didn't understand; he didn't understand how much a father could love his child.”  “Poison and medicine are often the same thing, given in different proportions”

Eragon Series, (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, Inheritance) - Christoper Paolini
“Live in the present, remember the past, and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only now.”
“Into the sky to win or die.” 
“Respect the past; you never know how it may affect you.”
“The monsters of the mind are far worse than those that actually exist.”
“Whatever you do, protect those you care for. Without them, life is more miserable than you can imagine.”
“The future will be what it will, and fretting about it will only make your fears more likely to come true.”

Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare (I'm certain I have most of these lines memorized)
“Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more,
Men were deceivers ever,-
One foot in sea and one on shore,
To one thing constant never.” (this was turned beautifully into a song)
“For which of my bad parts didst thou first fall in love with me?”
“There was a star danced, and under that was I born. ”
“In time the savage bull doth bear the yoke.”
“There's a double meaning in that”

Lorien Legacies (I am Number Four, Power of Six) Pittacus Lore
“When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope.”
“The only limits for tomorrow are the doubts we have today.”
“A place is only as good as the people in it.”
“If he had one true love, then he wanted you to have one, too.”

The Hunger Games Trilogy (The Hunger Games, The Mockingjack, Catching Fire) Suzanne Collins
“Remember, we're madly in love, so it's all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it.”
“You love me. Real or not real?' I tell him, "Real.”
“I am not pretty. I am not beautiful. I am as radiant as the sun.”
“Star-crossed lovers desperate to get home together. Two hearts beating as one. Romance.”
“Isn't it strange that I know you'd risk your life to save mine... but I don't know what your favorite color is?”
“This is the first kiss that we’re both fully aware of… This is the first kiss where I actually feel stirring inside my chest. Warm and curious. This is the first kiss that makes me want another.”
“Right before the explosions begin, I find a star.”
“Gale is mine. I am his. Anything else is unthinkable.”

The Honest Courtesan - Margaret Rosenthal
“Do you know what my daughter's nurse told her today? "In a girl's voice lies temptation - a known fact. Eloquence in a woman means promiscuity. Promiscuity of the mind leads to promiscuity of the body." She doesn't believe it yet, but she will. She'll grow up just like her mother. Marry, raise children and honor her family.”

Shel Silverstien :)
“Once there was a tree, and she loved a little boy.”
“So I'm all of love that could make it today.”
“Anything is possible. Anything can be.” 
“everything isn't everything”
“If you are a dreamer come in”
“There is a place where the sidewalk ends,
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.”

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan - Lisa See
“I know a lot about women and their suffering, but I still know almost nothing about men.”
“Read a thousand books, and your words will flow like a river.”
“Anyone who says that women do not have influence in mens' decisions makes a vast and stupid mistake.”  
“For my entire life I longed for love. I knew it was not right for me — as a girl and later as a woman — to want or expect it, but I did, and this unjustified desire has been at the root of every problem I have experienced in my life.”

 J.R.R. Tolkien
“And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many.”
“I will not say, do not weep, for not all tears are an evil.”
“I am glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things, Sam.”
“Not all those who wander are lost.”
“Courage is found in unlikely places.”
“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.”
“Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall”
“And yet their wills did not yield, and they struggled on.”
“Go back to the abyss! Fall into nothingness that awaits you and your master! ”
“He stands not alone. You would die before your stroke fell.”
 “So do all men who live to see such times. All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us.”

The Notebook, The Wedding, The Rescue, The Last Song, Message in a Bottle, A Walk to Remember - Nicholas Sparks
“You are, and always have been, my dream.”
“Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can't get any better, it can.”
“Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it.” 
“Nothing that’s worthwhile is ever easy. Remember that.”
“Without suffering, there'd be no compassion.”
“I fell in love with her when we were together, then fell deeper in love with her in the years we were apart.”
“I'll be anything you want, just tell me what you want and I'll be that.”
“Being in love, I find myself smiling for no reason at all...”
“If you come back; I'll marry you. If you break your promise, you'll break my heart”
“It's funny, but have you ever noticed that the more special something is, the more people seem to take it for granted? It's like they think it won't ever change. Just like this house here. All it ever needed was a little attention, and it would never have ended up like this in the first place.”

Harry Potter (all 7 years) - J.K. Rowling
“If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” 
“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
“The truth. It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should be treated with caution.” 
“Alas, earwax!”
“Twitchy little ferret, aren't you, Malfoy?” 
“You can laugh, but people used to believe there was no such thing as the blubbering humdinger and the crumple horned snorkak!”
“Here lies Dobby, a free elf.” 
“The only way out is through.”
“I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.” 
“I'm hoping to do something good in the world!”

Twilight Series (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn) - Stephanie Meyer
“I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.”
“Look after my heart - I've left it with you.”
“And so the lion fell in love with the lamb..." 
“I promise to love you forever - every single day of forever.”
“You are my life now.”
“I honestly have no idea how to live without you.”
“Sometimes, loyalty gets in the way of what you want to do. Sometimes, it’s not your secret to tell.”
“You are...Well, not exactly the love of my life, because I expect to love you for much longer than that. The love of my existence.”  
A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket (YES, I read all 13 books!!)
“Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don't always like.” 
“People aren't either wicked or noble. They're like chef's salads, with good things and bad things chopped and mixed together in a vinaigrette of confusion and conflict.”
“Wicked people never have time for reading. It's one of the reasons for their wickedness.” 
“The sad truth is the truth is sad.”
“I don't know if you've ever noticed this, but first impressions are often entirely wrong.” 
“I will love you as the iceberg loves the ship, and the passengers love the lifeboat and the lifeboat loves the teeth of the sperm whale, and the sperm whale loves the flavor of naval uniforms.”
“There are many, many types of books in the world, which makes good sense, because there are many, many types of people, and everybody wants to read something different.” 
“Waiting is one of life’s hardships.”

 Okay, I need to finish packing these books up!! More quotes to come!! :)

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