Monday, January 31, 2011

...and you wonder why you're single?

Mom said to me as I'm hand-feeding my dog his cocktail of medications..."You wanna know why you have no one?" *Sigh* She's right.  My life revolves around my dog and my family.

My 3-day weekend was spent sitting in a veterinarian's office or sitting on the couch with my nephews.   Don't get me wrong, I love these kids and my dog more than anything, though I do feel my life is starting to lack in a social area.

I just joined the OC Hiking Club, and hopefully, I'll be able to fit in a beginners hike in sometime this week.  They have a great organization, and I'm really looking forward to it.  Maybe I'll be able to get into shape, and make new friends...the two things my life is really deprived of right now.

This is exactly what we do, all weekend... Watch TV and suck our fingers... yes, me included.  Yes, this needs to change.  I'm 24 years old, and I haven't gone out dancing in forever...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Here goes nothin'

Here I go, hopping on the blog-train.  That's what I do, I hop on different trends in pop culture, just to see what all the buzz is about...let me tell you, it's pretty exhausting.  US trends are changing all the time! 

Little bit about me, I live in Orange County, CA.  I have a 10 year old pitbull mix named Monty, that I rescued about 7 years ago.  Monty is a senior, and with that comes selective hearing, rancid flatulence, achy joints and the occasional "senior moment" when he forgets why he walks into a room.  I'm also owned by a 2 year old sphynx (Mr. Bigglesworth) named Neikiddo, "Kitty" because I'm too lazy to say his whole name.  These two are not my children, but pretty darn close.  They keep me warm at night, and I enjoy the disillusion that they listen to me when I've had a bad day.  Truth is, I bet you they could care less.

I work at the University of California, Irvine as an analyst (whatever that means).  Home of the Anteaters, red-taped educational bureaucracy and Echo-Boomers. 

My spare time is spent with my beautiful nephews...they drive me insane, but I do love them dearly.   Will is a little over 2, and Jackson, "Jack Jack" is 4 months old.  Oh the adventures these kids put me through! (Not going to post their pics simply because they don't hold still enough for good photos!)

So, let's see how this blog thing goes!!